Adding Custom Fonts in React Native


1 min read

simple steps to follow
  1. Download Fonts: Go to a font site like Google Fonts, pick a font (e.g., "Briem Hand"), and download it.

  2. Rename Files: After extracting the zip file, rename the font file to match its full name, like "Briem Hand.ttf".

  3. Add to Project: Create a fonts folder inside your project's assets directory. Place your font file there.

  4. Configure React Native: Create or edit react-native.config.js in your project root:

     module.exports = {
       assets: ['./assets/fonts/'],
  5. Link Assets: Run:

     npx react-native-asset
  6. Use in Styles: In your styles, reference your font:

     const styles = StyleSheet.create({
       customText: {
         fontFamily: 'Briem Hand',
         fontSize: 30,

Now, your custom font should work on both iOS and Android!

Below is the example of this
